Hosted in Europe
Zoom X is hosted exclusively on Deutsche Telekom's own servers in Germany. This ensures that the product meets the strict requirements of the European data protection legislation.
Zoom X powered by Deutsche Telekom combines two strong partners ‒ Europe's No. 1 telecommunications provider and the Gartner-rated leader for meeting solutions ‒ for a unique version of Zoom. Benefit from the innovative application for cloud telephony in highest audio quality, video conferencing, chat, meetings, virtual rooms and webinars. Securely hosted in Deutsche Telekom's data centers in Germany, Zoom X enables simple, seamless and state-of-the-art collaboration while meeting the data protection requirements of European enterprises and public institutions. At the core of this versatile solution is Zoom X One which combines chat, audio, video, meeting and other collaboration tools in one intuitive software. Thanks to the cloud-based solution, the online platform enables employees in companies and organizations to communicate easily, collaborate seamlessly and offers secure end-to-end encrypted video conferencing. Zoom X One is compatible with any device and it allows to add an unlimited number of participants. Moreover, the online platform supports virtual and hybrid Zoom meetings, sharing data and information via Airplay, and integrating apps and tools like Asana or Miro.
The requirements of companies and individual teams are diverse, so is the Zoom X product family offering. With Zoom X One at the core plus various available add-ons, organizations can select from the functionality they need ‒ regardless whether its SMEs, large globally operating companies or schools, colleges and universities.
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